Natural Liquid Automatic Dishwashing Detergent 128 Loads!

Natural Liquid Automatic Dishwashing Detergent 128 Loads!

Regular Price: $24.99
On Sale For: $19.99


Excellent Performance in a Liquid Formula for Sparkling Clean Dishes Naturally!

Hypo-allergenic with no synthetic fragrances. Contains natural essential lemon oil. This helps in the cleaning process too! Completely biodegradable so it's safe for septic, grey water systems and the natural environment. No animal products, no animal testing.

Ingredients: Purified water; Surfactants derived from corn & coconut oils; citric acid; sodium hydrate; sodium citrate; sodium borate; Calcium chloride; trisodium salt of methyl glycine diacetic acid (water softening agent,Chelate)

Phosphate Free Formula!

Directions for use: Fill main wash & prewash dispenser cup to recommended levels per manufacturer’s instructions. In soft water areas with a water hardness of (0-3 grains) this should be 1/2 ounce per dispenser cup or approximately 1 ounce per dish load. In medium water areas with a water hardness of (4-8 grains) this should be ¾ ounce per dispenser cup or approximately 1.5 ounces per dish load. You should get any where from 85 to 128 loads per bottle depending on your water hardness. If you do not know your water hardness, please have it checked. If your water is extremely hard, (above 12 grains) a water softener is recommended to improve water quality and dishwashing performance.

We wanted to keep this as environmentally friendly as possible so we did not add gel thickening agents to this formulation!

Item# 160L 128oz Bottle

Customer Reviews
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 10/12/2019, said:
Our family has been using ToniNatural's Natural Liquid Automatic Dishwashing Detergent with spectacular results. We add a little distilled vinegar to the load and enjoy no damage or etching to any of our dishware - only clean, sparkling, smooth everything. We live in a hard water area. So happy.
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